Online Cash Loans

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Giving Definition to Cash Advance

This is a type of borrowing characterized by the following:

  • short-term (usually not more than one month);
  • can be obtained from a bank, credit card or online loan;
  • has a high interest rate;
  • is attractive to borrowers because it does not have a thorough check, which in turn ensures a high approval rate;
  • a good alternative to asking for help your relatives and things alike.

Needs on Which Cash Advance can be Spent

  • dental care (within limited amount);
  • medical checkups;
  • veterinary visit;
  • auto repair;
  • money for food and clothing;
  • payment for a rent;
  • drug purchase;
  • vacation;
  • others.

It is important to note that there are no restrictions on the reason for which you take out a loan. You can quickly and efficiently solve all your financial issues. Get the money today – pay it back in a month!

Basic Types of Cash Advances

Credit Card Cash Advances

The peculiar features:

  • allows you to make transactions at the expense of the bank’s funds within the limit set in the agreement;
  • easy to get;
  • cashback, points, interest on balance, miles, etc. are available;
  • do not require collateral and surety.

It’s important to bear in mind the settlement period. It is the time during which you can use the money allocated by the bank within the limit set in the agreement. It includes all credit card expenses: both non-cash expenses and cash withdrawals. It lasts from the moment of statement generation until the date of payment.

The payment period, in turn, is the time for which the loan must be repaid from the moment of making a purchase on the card. You can repay not the full amount, but only part of it –  the main thing is that it should not be less than the minimum installment specified in the agreement with the bank.


  • have high enough interest rates;
  • have fees, including usage fees.

Merchant Cash Advances

It is a financing solution designed to provide small businesses with quick and flexible access to working capital.

The peculiar features:

  • are used for businesses that do not qualify for traditional bank loans due to their size and lack of collateral or businesses that have bad credit and cannot access traditional forms of financing;
  • ideal for startups;
  • quick access to working capital without having to go through a lengthy approval process.


  • expensiveness;
  • repayment terms may not be very pleasant;
  • are intended to cover short-term expenses, and enterprises may not use them to finance major projects or investments.

Payday Loans

It is a quick short-term loan characterized by the following:

The Experience of Taking Cash Advances
Alison Bennett
Alison Bennett is a licensed Loan Officer working in pdl247 for over 3 years.
Ask Question
In order to buy a new phone, I applied for $300. In the end lender offered me 250 dollars for 30 days, APR 221%. $295.41 was the final amount I paid one time. So my loan cost me $45.41.

Pros and Cons of Payday Loans

no guarantors required
minimum package of documents for application
no credit history check
available to everyone
quick response to the application
bad credit applicants are not denied
there is a possibility of rejection
The service is not available in some states
high interest for those with bad credit

Cash Advances for Bad Credit

Everyone has a credit history, but not everyone has an exemplary one. It is bad credit that is the reason in many cases for refusing a loan from conventional banks. If you consider online cash advances, this procedure is first of all easier. Secondly, the chances of success are greater. Cash advances for bad credit is a reality. In order to get cash advances it is necessary as a rule to satisfy two simple points:

  • a salary of at least $1,000
  • steady, stable income

What sets cash advances for bad credit apart is:

  • simplicity (a user-friendly interface paired with a low number of documents to apply for);
  • speed (the decision on the issue is made within 10 minutes and the money itself comes no later than one working day);
  • security (encrypted technologies serve as a solid ground to ensure the impossibility of information lack);
  • flexibility (by analyzing your data you are offered suitable conditions. In some cases, the amount may be slightly less than the desired amount if the lender sees that the desired amount of money may cause you difficulties in repayment).

Alternatives to Cash Advances

If you’re not sure you want to take out a loan we offer other ways to supplement your budget.

Rent recyclable materials

If you need money urgently, where can you get it if you can’t get it with your passport? Turn in paper, plastic, metal or glass products. Of course, you should not count on a large sum, if the recyclables are not so much. But what if you have hundreds of kilograms of metal stored in your basement? Then the proceeds will be impressive. Anything from old newspapers to rusty car parts will do. For instance, cardboard bale can bring you about $46 – $62 per bale or about $0.046 – $0.062 per pound.

Financial Exchange

If finances are not needed in an emergency, and you are looking for passive income for the future, then buying shares on the stock market is the best option for the future. It is recommended to start with minimal investment. Later, a novice investor, having gained some knowledge of finance and economics, will be able to increase his fortune by purchasing bonds and investing in securities.

Get a grant

A grant can be used by an individual, a private individual entrepreneur, any commercial or public organization. The money is given free of charge as financial support for a certain project. The simplest way to start a small business without investment is a subsidy, which is provided by the state for the development of small businesses. Private subsidy can also be found from foreign sponsors. For this purpose, you do not have to belong to business representatives.

To apply for a grant is entitled to almost any citizen. In fact, more chances to receive have a poorly protected segments of the population. These include:

  • people with disabilities,
  • single mothers,
  • employees who have been downsized,
  • military pensioners,
  • students who have recently graduated from university.

Act as an extra in a movie or TV series

Earning money in the movie industry is not only available to famous actors. Anyone can participate. You can send an application to the project website or in a group in a social network (such as Backstage, Extras excess, Central Casting and so on). You will be contacted and discuss the details and conditions. This is an interesting way to earn money and a memorable event in life. And perhaps even a starting point in your future career. It can bring you up to $180 a day.

Cash Advances with pdl247

There are lots of reasons why everyone in need can choose us:

  • Experienced and devoted to what we do;
  • 90% of our clients recommend us;
  • we deal only with direct lenders which excludes the possibility of sharing details with third parties;
  • terms and conditions are unchangeable  after signing the agreement;
  • by implementing soft credit check, the chances of approval skyrocket;
  • the money transferred to one’s banking account no later than one business day;
  • comfortable navigation of website has been developed for you to enjoy the adventure of finding money.
Cash immediately loan (cannot be guaranteed) range from 200% to 1386%
Cash loans wired in 1 hour (cannot be guaranteed) range from 200% to 1386%
Frequently Asked Questions

Cash loans online bad credit: are there any chances for approval?

The undoubted advantage of such loans is that they consider all applicants and are granted even to bad credit applicants. However, the fact that the lender always has the final say cannot be ignored. And there is a small chance of rejection. Fortunately there are very few such cases.

How to get fast cash?

Use the website form or application to apply. You will receive a reply in 10 minutes. If approved, you will receive the money within one business day.
Our Opening Hours:
Monday 12:00 AM – 11:59 PM
Tuesday 12:00 AM – 11:59 PM
Wednesday 12:00 AM – 11:59 PM
Thursday 12:00 AM – 11:59 PM
Friday 12:00 AM – 11:59 PM
Saturday 12:00 AM – 11:59 PM
Sunday 12:00 AM – 11:59 PM

See also: 24/7 loans

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