AI robots as an advance in a modern world of technologies: a salvation or curse?
AI robots press conference which was held a couple of days ago in Geneva opened new horizons for millions of people. There were introduced 9 AI robots which actively participated in the conference and answered the questions. Among them there were an artist, health care robot, rock star and so on. Among robots there was also introduced Ameca which is considered to be the most advanced robot for today. Our life is changing every day by introducing in it new scientific discoveries. The prime goal of these discoveries, as scientists believe, is to make our life better. But is it really so? These new discoveries: a curse or salvation? AI enabled humanoid robots created an uproar in a world of science. But is it so innocuous as it is advocated? During the conference, there was stated that such AI robots can run the world better than human beings can. It sounds quite worryingly, isn’t it? It has been admitted by the developers that their robots can’t read or clearly distinct human beings emotions. From this angle, we should be really cautious with AI enabled humanoid robots.
There was conducted an experiment. Robots were included into the group of people to discuss with them burning issues. The topics to be discussed included «hunger», «climatic changes», and «social care». What strikes more is that the AI enabled humanoid robot was to be the first to start the conversation by breaking the silentness with the words: “What a silent tension”. We may say that such behavior really looks like a behavior of a human being.
AI robots can become great leaders
This statement can be supported by the fact that unlike people, robots are not emotional. Their decisions are made disregarding their inner state, only facts are taken into account. In this relation, humans and robots could make a good tandem.
At the same time, there’s an obvious threat for the people as they can be replaced by robots. Lots of people all of a sudden can lose their working places. Such situation can cause lots of social unrest.
This point makes us got on the thinking about the future. On the one hand it’s a step forward to the bright future, on the other hand many people would happen to be in a rather precarious position as they can be easily got laid off.
AI robots can become great artists
AI’s speed of development amazes. Robots can become the great artists. As a bonus, it can take a short time span to create a masterpiece. And there’s a legitimate question: will artists be replaced by robots? Whose pictures will be in a great demand? Artists spend many days, months or even years to paint. They put their souls in what they do. Millions of dollars spent to create robots. But what will cost more?
AI technologies as the key success to longevity
As AI technologies entered our life, they can help us a lot. AI developers believe that thanks to the development of new technologies, we can live 150 or even 180 years. That’s sounds great. At the same time, we can face a new problem. And the problem will be the overpopulation and lack of resources. In Latin, there is a proverb which states ‘Mors naturae lex est’ (eng. ‘death is a law of nature’). Many people would agree to live a longer life. In this case, there should implemented new rules which would regulate the birth rate. Again, this moment has as positive as well as negative moments.
Final thoughts
No doubts, we are witnesses of a revolution. AI developers say that robots will have to learn a lot. Especially, it relates to emotions. They don’t know what anger or sadness is. To adjust to people, to serve them, robots are to understand people’s nature better.
Recall that in early June, it was reported that during simulation tests organized by the US military, a US Air Force drone controlled by artificial intelligence “killed” its operator so as not to interfere with its efforts to carry out its mission, an air force spokesman said.
Earlier, a Stanford University survey found: more than a third of leading programming scientists believe artificial intelligence (AI) could lead to a “nuclear-level catastrophe,” underscoring the scientific community’s concerns about the risks posed by the rapidly evolving technology.
Though, it should be noted that during the conference robots have claimed that they will increase in number and help solve global problems, but will not steal people’s jobs or rebel against us.
Should we be amused or scared by the introduction of new technologies? Actually, it is a difficult question. Hope that in a tandem we can achieve a lot. That remains to be seen.
We can only hope that robot creators will adhere to the three laws of robotics formulated by science fiction writer Isaac Asimov. The first and most important law states: “A robot cannot harm a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to be harmed. The Second and Third Laws complement the First Law: “A robot must obey all orders given by a human, except when these orders contradict the First Law. A robot must take care of its own safety to the extent that it does not contravene the First and Second Laws”.
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